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Route 9 - Via Giulia, Abbadiaccia, Sportino, Montecasale (convento)


total Km. 24
Duration approx hrs 2.5/3
Altimetry (click on the image to enlarge)

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Map 3 tracts IEDCA
Via Giulia, Abbadiaccia, Sportino, Montecasale (Convento)
total 24 Km.
Duration approx 2.5 - 3 hrs
This is a route of extraordinary beauty because it combines history, art and nature wild. Gradual climbs on tar and ups and downs single tract beaten paths. It is an absolute must to do hoping that the weather does not deteriorate too much and so doing ruin the terrain that is to be traversed.


  Country paths
  Itinerary Map (click on the image to enlarge)
I (4 Km)
Starting from Sansepolcro along the state road Tiberina 3bis towards San Giustino Umbro the tract is simple, flat and road passes the entrance to the Bufalini castle. Carry on upwards to your right where you will reach an important crossroad.
E (7 Km)

The left rood takes you to the Apennine mountain pass of Bocca Trabaria, that points you in the directions of Fano. The road is a continuing climb with quite a lot of traffic. The uphill start has a characteristic that it permits the biker to use just one gear from start to finish of the climb. This makes this road an ideal practice climb for those who do not love uphill rides. Continuing on the right of the road you will see a red coloured house with "casa cantoniera" written on it. After one kilometre you will see, a deviation on the left of a beaten track immediately after a left curve. Here there is a road sign with "Via Giulia" on it, (780 mt. s.l.m.) and a gate. The Via Giulia is an antique Roman route that reserves surprises.

D (6 Km)

The road is well beaten for at least 1 km. After which you will find a cattle gate that should be closed. Carefully after passing through. Passing through a wood you will find in front of you the Abbadiaccia (822 mt s.l.m.) a locality whit a fascinating name that suggest to our imagination mystery and history. The little village today is used as a cattle farm but there is still a beautiful watchtower built by the longobards. Continuing on the terrain begins to deteriorate and descends to a stream to be crossed, after which a short steep climb (terrain difficult) you will arrive at the second watchtower of the longobards. The path continues uphill and downhill and although there is other by paths you should stay on the principal track. The landscape is wild and the knowledge that you are travelling a historic though minor, road is fascinating. After a brief run you will meet the third tower on this route. Going on you will climb towards Sportino (873 mt s.l.m.); rapid curves and rocky terrain will bring you upwards to the top of the pass before the downhill ride towards Montecasale. As you arrive to the rim you will realise that the track runs along the precipice but from here descends down rocky and impervious terrain, then through beautiful woods and joining a pathway that is brooder and which we will describe in the next route from here we take the left and passing by a youth hostel at the edge of the wood, you arrive at Montecasale (709 mt s.l.m.) from here the road is asphalted and following it you will arrive at Sansepolcro.
C (5 Km)
Curves and turns and downhill ride through woods and meadows brings you to a stop signal from which you take the left.
A (2 Km)
Continuing on this road, you will cross a bridge on the river Afra and arrive very soon to the state road Tiberina 3 bis and the residential centre of Sansepolcro.