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Route 10 - Le Villette di Bocca Trabaria, Valdimonte, Colle Plinio


total Km. 31
Duration approx hrs 3/4
Altimetry (click on the image to enlarge)

the picture

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Map 3 tracts IEFHI
Le Villette di Bocca Trabaria, Valdimonte, Colle Plinio
total 31 Km .
Duration approx  3 - 4 hrs
This route is almost only in Umbria. Gradual climbing on tarred roads and steep downhill runs on single-track beaten paths. Very demanding if travelled in the opposite sense.


  Country paths
  Itinerary Map (click on the image to enlarge)
I (4 Km)
Starting from Sansepolcro along the state road Tiberina 3bis towards San Giustino Umbro the tract is simple, flat and road passes the entrance to the Bufalini castle. Carry on upwards to your right where you will reach an important crossroad.
E (7 Km)
The left rood takes you to the Apennine mountain pass of Bocca Trabaria, that points you in the directions of Fano. The road is a continuing climb with quite a lot of traffic. The uphill start has a characteristic that it permits the biker to use just one gear from start to finish of the climb. This makes this road an ideal practice climb for those who do not love uphill rides. Continuing on the right of the road you will see a red coloured house with "casa cantoniera" written on it. After one kilometre you will see, a deviation on the left of a beaten track immediately after a left curve. Here there is a road sign with "Via Giulia" on it, (780 mt. s.l.m.) and a gate. The Via Giulia is an antique Roman route that reserves surprises.
F (4 Km)
The road continues apparently flat until the end of this tract. After 3 km it will be visible the  7 valleys, or the 7 curves which is the final part that brings us to Bocca Trabaria. Tract G is no problem as it is fairly easy to arrive at the top. All the road is well tarred and takes you to the top of the pass from where it turns back for the return journey on the same road. We advise you to take the deviation on the right at the first of the 7 curves to continue our tract of road. At the first curve left you will see a house on the edge of the road and just before that, just on the curve, a deviation on a beaten path on the right that has no road sign. You must take this path.
H (13 Km)
This is a beaten path, quite wide, which leads to a group of little villas ( from which the locality gets its name). Keep to the left of the road which climbs upwards behind the villas. Here the road deteriorates and climbs for another 500 mt, if raining it gets really muddy but it is only a short distance so don't get discouraged if you have to get off and push. At the end of the climb there is a fork right on the rim at the bottom of which you will see two valleys. Take the right along the rim which is a single track downhill  through a beautiful landscape being always cautious as the road is  not so easy to travel. Follow this path always downhill until you reach after a few kilometres the tarred road the locality of Valdimonte. The road continues downhill curving and turning pleasantly until at the and of the slope you will enter a different road on the right (locality of Colle Plinio di Pitigliani). Here you will see the site of the remains of Villa of Plinio (1st  cent.A.D.) a famous Roman historian who left us a description of the valley. Always going right the road leads you to San Giustino. If you take this same road in the opposite sense it is really demanding especially on the tract where the road is but a beaten path.
I (4 Km)

From the residential centre we follow the asphalted road of the incoming journey on the right which runs along the Tiberina 3 bis to Sansepolcro.