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Route 15 - Montalone, Passo delle Pratelle, Monte Calvano, La Verna, Passo dello Spino


total Km. 33
Duration approx hrs 2.5/4
Altimetry (click on the image to enlarge)

the picture

path in pdf  PDF File
Map 6 tracts AECBA
Montalone, Passo delle Pratelle, Monte Calvano, La Verna, Passo dello Spino
30 Km total.
Duration approx 2.5 - 4 hrs
  • Route very demanding because of the stiff uphill climb on tract E, but worth while for the scenery and nature. Care should be taken on the road between the passo delle Pratelle and La Verna, as in case of heavy recent rains the terrain will surely be heavy going. Lastly worth visiting is the monastic Sanctuary of La Verna.

  • Legenda

      Country paths
      Itinerary Map (click on the image to enlarge)
    A (8 Km)

    a very demanding route because of the stiff slopes of tract E, even thought it is one of the most beautiful. Care should be taken on the road between the passo delle Pratelle and La Verna, as in case of heavy recent rains the terrain will surely be heavy going. Lastly worth visiting is the monastic Sanctuary of La Verna..

    E (7 Km)
    at Montalone, you enter the centre of town and follow the only road which takes you up a gentle slope until you reach a fork on a beaten path. You must take this rod that climbs left and continues upward trough the woods along a well beaten path that arrives well over 100 mt.s.l.m.. After about 4 KM you will arrive at a fork where there is a road sign for La Verna. Follows this direction and very soon you will find that the terrain deteriorates and if there has been recent rains, then it becomes quite rough. Continuing on this path you will cross meadows and gates (which we ask you to close every time). After some time you will enter some woods. Coming out of which you will reach a road in front right and you have just come from. Turn right and you will leave behind the woods and find yourself at the top of the mountain, on the right, no trees but a huge meadow. We will keep to the very top (1254 mt.s.l.m) we now continue to follow the direction of the path which is very faintly visible on the ground and descent until we can see the Sanctuary of Verna (1132m.s.l.m). The terrain is quite trough here and in some places it will be necessary to get of your bicycle and push. When we reach a fork in the road at the end of a slope on the escarpment we have wish to take. There are two alternatives: C- take the road on the right for the Sanctuary and then return downwards to the valley through the tarred road following the indications of the road signs for Pieve Santo Stefano. D- The alternative is to continue on the state road at the "Passo dello Spino".
    C (6 Km)
  • After you have paid a visit to the Sanctuary of Verna (which is warmly advised) you return on the state road which is tarred and go downhill for a couple of curves until the road deviates to the left at a stop signal. The descent continues another Kilometre after which the road continues uphill gradually until you reach the "Passo dello Spino" (1055m.s.l.m.)
  • B (4 Km)
    after the pass the road curves downhill until you reach Montalone (870 mt.s.l.m)
    A (8 Km)
  • without any difficulty we will continue downhill until we reach the town of Pieve Santo Stefano